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      Your present position: Home >> Contact Us >>  News >> Notice on Further Strengthening Elevator Inspection

      Notice on Further Strengthening Elevator Inspection

      Number of Views: 293 Date: 2022-03-30 02:04:17

      Market supervision bureaus and provincial special inspection institutes in various cities:

      In order to improve the quality of elevator inspection, give full play to the technical support and quality control role of elevator inspection institutions, strengthen the public welfare and supervisory functions of elevator inspection, and ensure the safe and stable operation of elevators in our province, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and rules and the actual safety work of elevators in our province, the following notice is hereby issued to further strengthen the elevator inspection work in our province

      1、 Strictly inspect in accordance with the law. Strictly implement the "Anhui Province Elevator Safety Supervision and Management Measures", which stipulate that "achieving public mobile communication network signal coverage or installing elevator fault monitoring systems in elevator cars" and "elevators in public gathering places should install elevator fault monitoring systems" will be included in the supervision and inspection projects for newly installed elevators. Increase the sampling ratio of elevator floor doors during regular inspections, with a sampling ratio of no less than 40% for floors below 10 and no less than 30% for floors above 10. The temperature inside the elevator machine room should meet the safety operation requirements and inspection regulations throughout the year (not during inspection). If it cannot meet the requirements, during inspection, for newly installed vertical elevators in the machine room (including passenger and freight elevators), an air temperature regulator should be installed in the machine room. Urge the elevator owner to install an air temperature regulator in the machine room of the installed and used vertical elevator with a machine room.

      2、 Strengthen quality control. Strengthen the inspection and quality control of main components and safety protection devices such as brakes, landing doors, control cabinets, wire ropes, speed limiters, safety clamps, buffers, etc. The inspection of the brake must comprehensively, meticulously, and fully verify its effectiveness and reliability in braking; Every 5 years, a braking test with a car load of 125% of the rated load capacity should be conducted to inspect the emergency alarm device of the elevator. The function of the emergency alarm device should be verified separately by connecting and disconnecting the normal power supply of the emergency alarm device, and it should maintain effective response to emergency calls. Strengthen the formulation and inspection of the safety management system for the use of elevators by units in use.

      3、 Strengthen supervision and inspection. Strictly supervise and inspect the installation, overhaul, and renovation of elevators, and ensure the quality of elevators. After the acceptance of supervision and inspection, 1. It is necessary to confirm the legality of the relevant elevator equipment and production units. 2. To confirm the construction conditions, including reviewing the layout plans or civil engineering survey drawings of the machine room (equipment room) and shaft used for installing elevators, there should be a statement and official seal or inspection special seal from the construction unit confirming compliance with requirements, indicating that their passages, passage doors, shaft top space, pit space, floor spacing, shaft protection, safety distance, and accessible space below the shaft meet safety requirements. 3. To confirm whether the construction plan complies with relevant laws, regulations, safety technical specifications, and the technical requirements of the elevator being constructed. If necessary, important construction nodes should also be confirmed or verified on-site.

      4、 Establish a long-term mechanism. Revise the elevator operation manual, adjust the content of the inspection report, and include it in the Anhui Province Special Equipment Big Data Information System. Implement the responsibility of the head of the inspection agency to sign the inspection report, and make provisions in the quality system documents for the head of the agency to directly issue the report.

      5、 Job requirements.

      (1) The Provincial Special Inspection Institute should play a collaborative platform role, take the lead in revising the elevator operation manual, optimize the inspection module of Anhui Province's special equipment big data information system, and report the completion status to the provincial bureau before the end of the year.

      (2) Market supervision departments in various cities should urge elevator inspection agencies to implement the requirements of this notice, while strengthening supervision and inspection. For those who fail to implement or fail to implement properly, elevator inspection agencies should be ordered to make immediate corrections and reported to the provincial bureau.

      (3) The provincial bureau will include the requirements of this notice in the future supervision and spot checks of inspection agencies, urging elevator inspection agencies to strictly comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and safety technical specifications, and continuously enhance the technical support and quality control role of elevator inspection in elevator safety.

      Office of Anhui Provincial Administration for Market Regulation

      June 23, 2021